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Adam Schiff Calls For Joe Biden To Drop Out Of 2024 Presidential Race

Adam Schiff Calls for Joe Biden to Drop Out of 2024 Presidential Race

Subheading: Representative Schiff is the first high-profile Democrat to make such a call

Schiff's remarks come as Biden faces increasing scrutiny over his handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the ongoing inflation crisis

Adam Schiff, the Democratic Representative for California and Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, has called on President Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential race. Schiff is the first high-profile Democrat to make such a call.

Schiff's remarks come as Biden faces increasing scrutiny over his handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the ongoing inflation crisis. Biden's approval ratings have fallen to record lows in recent months, and some Democrats are concerned that he will be a liability in the 2024 election.

In a statement released on Wednesday, Schiff said that Biden should "step aside" and allow a new generation of leaders to take over."I believe that we need a new generation of leadership to meet the challenges of the 21st century," Schiff said. "Joe Biden has served our country with distinction, but it is time for him to pass the torch to a new generation of leaders."

Schiff's call for Biden to drop out of the race is a significant development. It suggests that there is growing dissatisfaction within the Democratic Party with Biden's leadership. It is unclear whether other Democrats will follow Schiff's lead and call on Biden to step aside.
